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See types for more information of JSXElement props.


JSXElement for Editor.js Tools API.

PropDescriptionRequiredData FormatRelated Docs
childrenis children of PDEJS Element.☑️Array
saveextracts Block data from the UI.☑️Function
validatevalidates Block data after saving.Function
renderSettingsis object for the settings UI.Object
destroyclears Tools stuff(cache, variables, events).Function
onPastehandles content pasted.Function
mergespecifies how to merge two similar Blocks.Function
static_get_pasteConfigallows your Tool to substitute pasted contents.Object
static_get_sanitizeallows to clean unwanted HTMLElement or attributes.Object
static_get_toolboxdecides icon and title. REQUIRED if Tools should be added to the toolbox.Object
static_get_shortcutregisters a shortcut command.String
static_get_conversionConfigdecides that Tool can be converted into/form anothor Tool.Object
static_get_enableLineBreakshandles Enter keydowns if it's set true.Boolean
static_get_isReadOnlySupportedis a flag for supporting the read-only mode.Boolean


JSXElement for Editor.js Inline Tools API.

PropDescriptionRequiredData FormatRelated Docs
childrenis children of PDEJS Element.☑️Array
surroundworks with selected range.☑️Function
checkStategets Tool's activated state by selected range.☑️Function
renderActionscreate additional element.Function
clearclears Tools stuff.Function
get_shortcutsets a shortcut.String
static_get_isInlinespecifies Tool as Inline Toolbar Tool.☑️Boolean(true)
static_sanitizesanitizer rules.Function
static_titledecides Tool's title.Function


JSXElement for Editor.js Block Tunes API

PropDescriptionRequiredData FormatRelated Docs
childrenis children of PDEJS Element.☑️Array
savesaves Tune's state.Function
wrapwraps Block's content element.Function
static_get_isTunespecifies Tool as Block Tune.Boolean(true)
static_preparemakes any preparations required for Tune.Function
static_resetresets the value of static_prepare.Function